VIMMIA X - Impact Legging

Pebble Beach, California

Legging: VIMMIA X Impact, Sweater: Vimmia Calm Pullover (Zippered version linked)

I was first introduced to Vimmia about a year ago and immediately fell in love with the difference in quality. Vimmia raises the bar with their technologically advanced fabrics and attention to detail. While perusing their website, I was intrigued when I discovered a category titled "VIMMIA X." This limited selection of garments includes two capris, one legging, and a tank. These four items are made from a fabric they developed that boasts a heap of bragging qualities:

"VIMMIA X garments are made with state of the art technological yarn that has been proven to show higher thermal efficiency and better thermal homogenization than garments made with polyester or nylon..." - Discover VIMMIA X

If you didn't understand any of that thank goodness they break it down for you:

  • "Promotes thermoregulation to maintain your skin's core internal temperature by balancing both heat gain and heat loss

  • Increased blood circulation

  • Improved blood flow and oxygenation to muscles and tissue

  • Increased recovery speed with greater workout efficiency

  • Reduced muscle vibration

  • Reduces appearance in cellulite

  • Increase skin smoothness" - Discover VIMMIA X

After reading all these benefits, who could not pass up getting their hands on a pair?! Now lets get down to #ThePantReview. 

FABRIC: With all these technological properties listed above, I was expecting to step into a space suit. My honest first reaction? They had a kind of chemically smell (this faded quickly), and they hug your legs differently than other leggings. After getting moving in them, I felt like the fabric was starting to "work" (this might have been in my mind though!) and I didn't want to take them off at the end of the day!

BOOTY FACTOR: They have more lift and sculpting action than leggings with no support, but I feel like this would have been more apparent if I went a size down. See through? No way Jose! 

FIT / SIZING: The waist band is versatile in that it can be either worn high waisted or folded down and worn low on the waist line, truly muffin top proof. When I really got moving in them, I felt like they would start to sag a tiny bit, and I like my leggings to fit nice and snug so I would go down a size next time. The ankle on these pants is meant to be able to be cuffed so you are able to switch between a capri, and a full length legging. When they were cuffed I felt like they were a little higher than ankle length, but not quite capris, and when they were laying flat, the fabric around my ankles was loose. Therefor I wore them cuffed at got to liking the higher-ankle length. I am wearing a size small for reference. 

WHERE TO WEAR: They say to get the heaps of benefits from VIMMIA X, the leggings need to be worn for 6 consecutive hours, for 30 consecutive days. With that disclosure, where should we wear Vimmia's leggings? Everywhere! Especially to high intensity workouts. These performance developed leggings are meant to get their use! 

xo - M

Here are more of my favs from Vimmia: 


p.s. During my time off I taught myself how to use new photo-editing software. I would love to hear what you guys think about the photo style! Also, what do you think about spending the extra cash on leggings that are more "technologically advanced" than a lower cost pair? Worth the investment so you can focus on your work-out, or are you fine with leggings that might ride-up, ride-down, or do other funny things?? ;P